Once Upon a Time there was a bankrupt businessman.
He was frastrated and didn’t have any idea what to do with his life.

“if there was another chance, I would do BETTER this time” he thought.

God heared his voice, gave him a new chance by openning a portal!
“God damn me! what is it?!” he chanted and jumped through it…

Scroll Down

Scroll Down

“Where am i?!
What happend?!
Oh! looks like there’s a hint there

And then…
The others!
You have 3 companies.
They all have
same stories.

what’s the porpuse?
What aim do we have to strugle for?”

Scroll Down

“Where am i?!
What happend?!
Oh! looks like there’s a hint there

Scroll Down

Scroll Down

And then…
The others!
You have 3 companies.
They all have
same stories.

Scroll Down

what’s the porpuse?
What aim do we have to strugle for?”

Scroll Down

Ultimate goal:
Rulling the other companies.

Once you have 10 points in your own turn, you are all welcome to rule the ErnyLand.

ps: remember you only win the ErnyLand if and only if you have 10 points in your turn, not the others!

Here’s your new start!
this is ErnyLand. find your story and be the best among the others!

A glimpse of Ernyland map.
You are on a pentagonal land which is surrounded by the sea.

Every single one on of you are supposed to build your own businesses including …, based on ….

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حوزه بلاکچین

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